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The Concept of Bad Leads is Bullshit

The Concept of Bad Leads is Bullshit

Desiree Landa
February 5, 2024

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You've all heard the term, "Never judge a book by its cover." When we think about it in relation to marketing, the first thing that comes to mind is leads. The term "bad leads" is a common one, and it's often quick to get thrown around. It's time that sales and marketing teams stop dismissing leads as bad and ask ourselves whether these leads are truly unworthy or if a deeper story is waiting to be uncovered. 

Today, I'm diving into the intricacies of lead nurturing and unveiling the truth behind the myth – that, perhaps, bad leads are nothing more than misunderstood opportunities waiting for the right touch. Welcome to the debunking zone, where we proclaim loud and clear: Bad Leads Are Bullshit.


Understanding the Concept of 

"Bad" Leads

In the most basic terms, bad leads are prospects with little likelihood of converting. I like to think of them as "tire-kickers" — they seem to only be interested in browsing or looking for a better deal. They are typically frustrating for marketers because they don't turn into paying customers, ultimately a waste of time and resources.

Let's look a little deeper. 

The truth is, we're referring to leads that have yet to find the right nurturing environment. They may not be ready to purchase or take the desired action right now, but that doesn't mean they're not valuable. It means they require more attention and care to guide them towards conversion. Bad leads matter!


How to Identify the Potential Hidden in "Bad" Leads

Instead of labeling leads as bad and discarding them, marketers should focus on identifying the potential hidden within these leads. Every lead has the potential to become a valuable customer if nurtured properly. I'll say it again: every lead has the potential to become a valuable customer if nurtured properly

The first step is to analyze their behavior and engagement with your brand. Look for signs of interest, such as repeated visits to your website, engagement with your content, or interactions with your social media posts. By understanding their interests and preferences through data-driven analytics, you can tailor your lead nurturing strategies accordingly.


Actionable Lead Nurturing Strategies to Transform "Bad" Leads

It's important to remember that what worked last year might not work this year. As consumers and as humans, we are constantly evolving, and so should your lead nurturing strategies. Effective nurturing strategies are crucial to transforming bad leads into valuable customers. 

Strategy #1 - Understanding your buyer personas. You won't be able to effectively nurture any lead if you don't understand who they are and what their goals and pain points are. 

Download our free Buyer Persona Worksheet

Strategy #2 - Leverage targeted content. A strategy you should absolutely have in your arsenal is to provide helpful content that addresses their pain points and offers solutions. By providing valuable information, you establish yourself as an authority in your industry and build trust with your leads. Tailoring your communication and content based on their interests and preferences and where they are in the buyer's journey makes them feel valued and understood. This can be achieved through personalized emails, targeted social media ads, or customized landing pages.

Strategy #3 - Consistent follow-up. This is vital in nurturing 'bad' leads. According to HubSpot, on average, prospects receive ten marketing touches from the time they become aware of your company until they convert into customers. To increase the chances of conversion, stay top-of-mind and regularly reach out to them with relevant updates or offers. Remember, it may take time for 'bad' leads to move through the sales funnel, so patience is key.


Tips on Leveraging Personalization to Convert "Bad" Leads

Personalization is a powerful tool when it comes to converting 'bad' leads into valuable customers. By tailoring your messaging and content to fit their specific needs and interests, you can significantly increase the chances of conversion.

Tip #1 - Email marketing. Segment your leads based on their interests and preferences, and craft personalized email campaigns that speak directly to their pain points. By delivering relevant and targeted content, you make a stronger connection with your leads and increase the likelihood of them becoming a customer.

Tip #2 - Retargeting ads. Use data from your leads' interactions with your website or social media to create customized ad campaigns that remind them of your brand and encourage them to take action. By showing them relevant content or offers, you can re-engage 'bad' leads and guide them towards conversion.

Tip #3 - Dynamic landing pages. Create landing pages that dynamically change content based on the visitor's previous interactions with your site, demographics, or stage in the buying cycle. This can include tailored product recommendations, customized messages, or specific calls to action (CTAs) that resonate with their unique interests. Tools like dynamic text replacement can automate this personalization based on parameters like source, location, or behavior.

There are so many ways to personalize your lead nurturing campaigns. Consumers crave a human connection. Make sure you are providing that connection through the whole lead nurturing process. Remember, no lead is a bad lead. 


How to Optimize Lead Scoring for Improved Conversion Rates in 2 Easy Steps

Lead scoring is a valuable technique that can help improve conversion rates for 'bad' leads. By assigning a score to each lead based on their behavior and engagement, you can prioritize your efforts and focus on leads with higher conversion potential.

Step 1. Define clear criteria and indicators of a qualified lead. This can include factors such as website visits, content downloads, email opens, or social media interactions. By tracking and analyzing these interactions, you can assign scores accordingly and ensure that your resources are allocated effectively.

Try our lead scoring template to get started improving conversion rates!

Step 2. Regularly reviewing and updating your lead scoring system is essential. As leads progress through the sales funnel, their behavior and engagement may change. By adapting your lead scoring criteria accordingly, you can ensure that you're targeting the right leads at the right time.

Setting up lead scoring helps take the guesswork out of knowing your prospects. 


Bad Leads are Bullshit!

I hope this helped you better understand the power of lead nurturing and the potential hidden within so-called "bad" leads. By shifting our perspective and recognizing that every lead has the potential to become a valuable customer if nurtured properly, we can unlock a world of opportunities.

No lead should be dismissed as "bad." With the right nurturing and personalization strategies in place, these leads can become valuable customers and contribute to the growth of your business. So, embrace the potential hidden within these misunderstood opportunities and watch as your "bad" leads transform into loyal advocates for your brand.

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